Gastrocnemius Muscle – Attachments, Actions & Innervation

Author: Scott A. Sheffield MS

Last update:

The gastrocnemius muscle is a leg muscle located at the calf that spans over both the knee and the ankle joint.

image descriptionGastrocnemius Muscle

Gastrocnemius Muscle attached to the lower limb with other musclesa
Gastrocnemius Muscle attached to the lower limb with other musclesa
Gastrocnemius Muscle attached to the lower limb with other musclesa
Gastrocnemius Muscle attached to the lower limb alone

image descriptionAttachments of Gastrocnemius Muscle: Origin & Insertion

Origin: (proximal attachments):

a. Medial head: medial condyle of femur and area just above condyle.
b. Lateral head: lateral condyle of femur and area just above condyle.

Insertion: (distal attachments):
Posterior calcaneus via calcaneal tendon.

Gastrocnemius Muscle attached to the lower limb with other musclesa
Gastrocnemius Muscle attached to the lower limb alone
Gastrocnemius Muscle - Origin and Insertion

Actions of Gastrocnemius Muscle:

a. image descriptionPlantar flexes foot.

Learn the anatomy of the gastrocnemius muscle in half the time with our handy lower extremity muscle anatomy chart!

b. image descriptionFlexes the leg at the knee.

Nerve to Muscle and its Spinal Segment:

Tibial nerve (S1, S2).

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Muscles That Act On Foot & Ankle (From Post. Leg Comp.)