Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Digitorum Muscle
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The extensor digitorum muscle is one of the muscles in the posterior compartment of the forearm.
Extensor Digitorum Muscle
Attachments of Extensor Digitorum Muscle: Origin and Insertion
Origin (proximal attachment)
a. Lateral epicondyle of humerus.
Insertion (distal attachment)
a. Distal phalanges via dorsal mechanism of digits 2-5 (extensor expansion).
Actions of the Extensor Digitorum muscle on the wrist:
Need a hand learning the anatomy of the forearm extensors? Look no further than these quizzes and diagram labelling exercises.
a. Extends the fingers (middle phalanx of digits 2-5).
Nerve to the Extensor Digitorum muscle and its spinal segment:
a. Deep branch of radial nerve (C6, C8).
An overview of the posterior forearm muscles:
Muscles That Act On The Posterior Wrist & Hand