Neuron Support Cells – Overview

Author: Scott A. Sheffield MS

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image descriptionNeurons cannot function properly without the assistance of several types of support cells.

An image inside the CNS showing the Neuron support cells along with the neurons
An image inside the CNS showing the Neuron support cells (1. Ependymal cells 2. Astrocytes 3. Neurons 4. Oligodendrocyte 5. Microglia cell) along with the neurons, the neurons are labeled
  • The support cells, which are also referred to as glial cells or neuroglia (nerve glue), help out in many ways:
  1. They regulate the chemical environment around the neurons.
  2. They protect neurons from foreign invaders.
  3. They help neurons conduct impulses
  4. They stabilize the position of neurons
  5. They help repair (regenerate) damaged neurons
  • Shown below are the four types of image descriptionsupport cells found in the central nervous system.
  • Even though most people have never heard of these oddly named cells, they are much more numerous (50:1) than the neurons they support. Unlike neurons, support cells do not lose their ability to divide. Thus, they are the source of brain tumors in adults.

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An image inside the CNS showing the Neuron support cells along with the neurons
An image inside the CNS showing the Neuron support cells (1. Ependymal cells 2. Astrocytes 3. Neurons 4. Oligodendrocyte 5. Microglia cell) along with the neurons, the neuron support cells are labeled


An image inside the CNS showing the Neuron support cells (1. Ependymal cells 2. Astrocytes 3. Neurons 4. Oligodendrocyte 5. Microglia cell) along with the neurons, all numbered without answers
An image inside the CNS showing the Neuron support cells (1. Ependymal cells 2. Astrocytes 3. Neurons 4. Oligodendrocyte 5. Microglia cell) along with the neurons, all numbered with answers below
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