Lacrimal Bone Anatomy
Fissures, foramina and markings of the base of the skull
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The base of the skull (base of cranium) includes openings for the transmission of blood vessels and nerves as well as several fissures and other notable markings.
Ethmoid bone:
- (lamina cribrosa ethmoidalis).
Crista galli (crista galli ethmoidalis).
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Frontal bone:
Orbital part (pars orbitalis frontalis).
Orbital surface or plate (facies orbitalis frontalis).
Sphenoid bone:
Body (corpus sphenoidale).
Lesser wing (ala minor sphenoidale).
Optic canal (canalis opticus sphenoidale).
Chiasmatic groove or prechiasmatic sulcus (sulcus chiasmaticus or sulcus prechiasmaticus sphenoidale).
Anterior clinoid process (anterior clinoid process sphenoidale).
Greater wing (ala major sphenoidale).
Foramen ovale (foramen ovale sphenoidale).
Foramen spinosum (foramen spinosum sphenoidale).
Foramen rotundum (foramen rotundum sphenoidale).
Sella Turcica (sella turcica sphenoidale).
Hypophyseal fossa (fossa hypophysialis sphenoidale).
Tuberculum sellae (tuberculum sellae sphenoidale).
Dorsum sallae (dorsum sallae sphenoidale).
Posterior clinoid process (processus clinoideus posterior sphenoidale).
Temporal bone:
Squamous part or temporal squama (pars squamosa; squama temporalis).
Petrous part (pars petrosa temporalis).
Internal acoustic meatus or auditory meatus (meatus acusticus internus temporalis).
Occipital bone:
Foramen magnum (foramen magnum occipitalis).
Hypoglossal canal (canalis nervi hypoglossi temporalis).
Cruciform eminence (eminentia cruciformis temporalis).
Internal occipital protuberance (protuberantia occipitalis interna).
Need a speedier way to learn and memorize? Look no further than these interactive skull quizzes, diagrams and worksheets.
- (crista occipitalis interna).
- (sulcus sinus transversi occipitalis).
Between bones:
Foramen lacerum (foramen lacerum).
Jugular foramen (foramen jugulare).
Multiple bones involved:
Groove for sigmoid sinus (sulcus sinus sigmoidei).
Anterior cranial fossa (fossa cranii anterior).
Middle cranial fossa (fossa cranii media).
Posterior cranial fossa (fossa cranii posterior).
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Cranial Floor Skull Bone Markings Quiz 1
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