Ion Channel Proteins
Somatosensory brain areas
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The primary somatosensory cortex (SI) sends information to two, nearby areas of the cortex.
- One area is located in the posterior parietal cortex and is called the somatosensory association cortex or (Broadman areas 5 and 7).
- Here, objects are recognized based on their form and texture.
- A sense of body image is also formed using integrated information sent from the visual and auditory cortex areas.
- If this area is damaged, an individual may ignore certain body regions (neglect syndrome) or not be able to recognize objects from their feel (agnosia).
- Output from the primary somato-sensory cortex also travels to the secondary somatosensory cortex or SII.
Did you know that active recall is the surest way to efficiently memorize and retain what you’ve learned?
- This small area is located in the inferior parietal lobe adjacent to the lateral fissure (Broadmann area 40).
- The structure and functions of the secondary somatosensory cortex areasĀ are not yet well understood.
- Each SII area receives and integrates somatosensory information from both sides of the body (bilateral).
- Studies also indicated that they participate in sensorimotor integration, maintaining attention while objects are touched, learning, and memory.