Frontalis Muscle – Attachments, Actions & Innervation

Author: Scott A. Sheffield MS

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The frontalis muscle is a muscle of facial expression located at the scalp. It controls the movement of the eyebrows and helps to produce a frowning expression

image descriptionFrontalis Muscle

Labeled image on the muscles of facial expression with the frontalis muscles highlighted in green.
Labeled image on the muscles of facial expression with the frontalis muscles highlighted in green.
Labeled image on the muscles of facial expression with the frontalis muscles highlighted in green.
Anterior view of the skull with the frontalis muscle illustrated and labeled.

Learning anatomy requires hours upon hours of memorization. What if you could learn anatomy faster?

image descriptionAttachments of Frontalis Muscle: Origin & Insertion

Origin: (proximal attachments)
Galea aponeurotica.

Insertion: (distal attachments)
Skin around eyebrows and nose.

Labeled image on the muscles of facial expression with the frontalis muscles highlighted in green.
Anterior view of the skull with the frontalis muscle illustrated and labeled.
Frontalis Muscle - Origin and Insertion

Actions of Frontalis Muscle on the face:

image descriptionRaises eyebrows & wrinkles forehead as it draws scalp back.

Nerve to Muscle and its Spinal Segment:

Temporal branch of facial nerve.

Overview of the facial expression muscles:

Quiz image on the muscles of facial expression with answers hidden.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the muscles of facial expression labeled.
Quiz image of the anterior view of the skull with the frontalis muscle and galea aponeurotica labeled.
Anterior view of the skull with the frontalis muscle illustrated and its origin and insertion labeled.
Test yourself while observing the Frontalis Muscle