Skeletal System

Anterior view of the skeleton.

The skeletal system provides our body with shape and stability, as well as the protection of internal organs. It is composed of 206 bones that connect to each other via joints. Accessory structures that support the skeletal system are the cartilage, ligaments, bursae and muscle tendons. 

  • The bone is a calcified hard tissue that presents the main component of the skeletal system. The bones compose the skeletal frameworks of our body parts, such as the upper limb, lower limb, skull, etc. 
  • The cartilage is a connective tissue that is often inserted between the bones that form a joint. Its function is to eliminate the friction between the articulating bones. 
  • Ligaments are fibrous bands that enhance the stability of the joints by connecting the articulating bones and holding them together like the straps of duct tape.
  • Bursae are small sacs filled with fluid. They are usually found between the elements of “busy” joints (e.g. the knee joint) that have a lot of associated muscles and ligaments, serving the purpose of cushioning the joint and preventing friction.

Learn the skeletal system anatomy with our tutorials and interactive diagrams below, and discover the bones of the body using labeled worksheets.