Piriformis - Attachments, Actions & Innervation
Quadratus Femoris – Attachments, Actions & Innervation
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The quadratus femoris is a muscle in the posterior side of the hip joint.
Quadratus Femoris
Attachments of Quadratus Femoris: Origin: & Insertion:
Origin: (proximal attachments)
a.Ischial tuberosity, lateral border.
Insertion: (distal attachments)
a.Quadrate tubercle near base of greater trochanter and intertrochanteric crest of femur.
Actions of Quadratus Femoris on the thigh (femur):
a. Laterally Rotates thigh at hip.
b.Helps Adduct thigh at hip.
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Nerve to Muscle and its Spinal Segment:
a.Branch of sacral plexus (S1, S2).