Vocal Cords (Vocal Folds) & Vestibular Folds of the Larynx
Glottis – Structure & Function
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The glottis is the area between the vocal cords, which connect the airways in your throat to your lungs.
A mirror positioned above the larynx shows a superior view of the vestibular and vocal folds.
- The vocal folds and the space between the folds are referred to as the glottis (= glottic opening).
Laryngeal muscles can adjust the size of the glottic opening, depending on need.
Learn more about the structures of the respiratory system with this expert study guide.
- While breathing, The glottis expands (= abducts) into a triangular shaped opening.
- The broader opening allows air to more freely enter and leave the trachea and lungs.
- To make voice sounds, the laryngeal muscles reduce (= adduct) the size of the glottic opening to a narrow slit.